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Web Design
Site Creation
Site Maintenance
Web Flyers
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Website Questionnaire

Feel free to contact us via e-mail.

We would like to get to know a little about your business and your expectations for your site.

Please take time to fill out the questionnaire below. This will speed up the process when we have our conference about your Website.

We consider all information given to us privileged and confidential.


E-mail Address:
Tell us how to contact you.
Briefly describe what you hope to achieve with a web site?
What size is your Business? Small Business
Medium Business
Large Business
How long do you think your site will be? (1 page is similar to a normal letter page) Not sure
Under 5 pages
5-10 pages
10-15 pages
25-50 pages
50+ pages
Is this a rush? If yes, please indicate date needed.
Which category best describes your business?
(Click arrow for choices)
If further explanation is required, please do so here
General Questions: You may select all that apply in this section: Do you have a written plan or outline for a web site?
Do you have a logo or graphics you plan to use on your site?
Do you have text you plan to use in typed format? (Current company literature, brochures, ads & press releases can be included)
Do you have a current site that needs updating or revamping?
Do you prefer a lot or animation
Do you prefer a static page design?
#1 Site I admire:
#2 Site I admire:
#3 Site I admire:


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Last Modified 10/01/2012